Rosh Hashanah Tashlikh on the Hudson 2022/5783
Please join us for a special Rosh Hashanah Tashlikh Service (“casting-off” of sins) on the Hudson. This short program will begin with Dr. Galeet Dardashti leading quintessential holiday piyutim from a variety of Middle Eastern and North African traditions. We will then meditatively sound the shofar and conclude with traditional and alternative Tashlikh readings along the river’s edge.
Please join us for a special Rosh Hashanah Tashlikh Service (“casting-off” of sins) on the Hudson. This short program will begin with Dr. Galeet Dardashti leading quintessential holiday piyutim from a variety of Middle Eastern and North African traditions. We will then meditatively sound the shofar and conclude with traditional and alternative Tashlikh readings along the river’s edge.
Please join us for a special Rosh Hashanah Tashlikh Service (“casting-off” of sins) on the Hudson. This short program will begin with Dr. Galeet Dardashti leading quintessential holiday piyutim from a variety of Middle Eastern and North African traditions. We will then meditatively sound the shofar and conclude with traditional and alternative Tashlikh readings along the river’s edge.