Sephardic / Mizrahi Directory

Below is a directory of organizations, individuals, and other resources that share our vision for egalitarian and inclusive Judaism.



  • B’nai Jeshurun (New York) – inclusive congregation under the leadership of Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon (Syrian-Argentinian) with occasional Sephardic/Mizrahi offerings

  • Congregation Ahavath Achim (Portland, OR) – inclusive congregation in the classic Sephardic (Spanish-Portuguese) tradition

  • Congregation Magen David of Manhattan (New York) – not fully egalitarian but inclusive Syrian congregation offering regular services, with a Moroccan minyan

  • Kol Tuv Sefarad – inclusive Sephardic congregation with online prayers, educational resources, and classes in Spanish, under the direction or Rabbi Juan Mejia

  • Kolot HaKahal (London, UK) - independent pan-Sephardi egalitarian minyan based in London with services, events and learning opportunities

  • Minyan Etzli (New York) – independent, lay led traditional egalitarian Ashkefardic (both Ashkenazi and Sephardi/Mizrachi) minyan, meeting for spirited prayer and vegetarian potluck dinners once a month

  • Nova Escola Catalana (Barcelona, Spain) - Sephardic egalitarian group whose mission is recovering and reviving the heritage and legacy of the old Catalan Jewish schools of study

  • The Kitchen (San Francisco) – inclusive and egalitarian congregation with a mix of predominantly Sephardic nusaḥ and melodies, with classes in Sephardic ta’amim (cantillation), piyyutim, and maqam, as well as mission-based programming and a dining social club

  • Torah VeAhava – inclusive online community with daily online prayers in the Iraqi tradition, headed by Rabbi Chaim Ovadia

Cultural / Social Organizations and Groups

  • American Sephardi Federation - established organization aimed at preserving and promoting the history, traditions, and cultures of Greater Sephardic communities through events, exhibitions, publications, academic support and communal affairs

  • Arevot - Jerusalem-based beit midrash and organization weaving together Sephardic/Mizrahi tradition and feminism

  • Egal and Sephardi ספרדי ושוויוני – Facebook group for connecting, sharing resources, and posting Sephardi-Egal events

  • Eshel - organization supporting Orthodox and traditional LGBTQ individuals and families, including those of Sephardic/Mizrahi background

  • Jimena – advocacy organization focusing on visibility of the Sephardic/Mizrahi community and bridge-building throughout the Arab world

  • JQ International – organization that supports LGBT youth, with a platform for the Persian community

  • Piyut North America - project for lovers of all things piyut-related, with a host of resources including recordings, translations, and transliterations

  • Sephardic Heritage International DC (ShinDC) – Sephardic and Mizrahi organization with a plethora of cultural and historical programming

  • Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America (La Ermandad Sefaradi) - organization supporting and providing resources for the Ladino-speaking Jewish communities with lineage from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans.

  • Sephardic Mizrahi Queer Network (SMQN) – cultural and social organization for the Sephardic & Mizrahi LGBTQ+ community

  • Sephardic U - educational organization with articles, podcasts, and daily virtual minyanim, among other resources for the international community, available in a variety of languages.

Food Purveyors & Catering

  • Amal Catering - Long Island based Iraqi caterer specializing in Iraqi and Persian cuisine, with a retail storefront in Great Neck. Delivery available to New York City.

  • Awafi Kitchen - Iraqi Jewish kitchen specializing in small-batch savory delicacies and Middle Eastern pastries. Catering available in Boston with seasonal availability in New York

  • Colbeh - Persian mainstay for glatt kosher foods, with 3 restaurant locations and catering, servicing New York City and Long Island. Other Mediterranean foods are available through their affiliate Paprika Kosher Catering

  • Ganey Orly - Bukharian restaurant in Queens offering catering of glatt kosher Uzbek cuisine

  • Kosher Valet - delivery service catering to the New York metro area offering a wide range of Syrian and other Sephardic foods from local purveyors

  • Mansoura - New York–based Middle Eastern confectionery specializing in pastries and sweets from Greece, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Egypt and Lebanon

  • Meska Sweets - Moroccan artisanal cookie shop with beautifully packaged assortments. All cookies are OU parve

  • The Ma’lawah Bar - Yeminite-Israeli kitchen featuring artisan breads and other Yemini delicacies. Based in the Bay Area (Palo Alto, California)


If you or your organization would like to be added to our directory of individuals, organizations, or resources that complement our mission, please email us with a short, one-line description and email or website.