Zemirot HaMizraḥ Second Edition Critical Updates

The second edition of the Zemirot HaMizraḥ maḥzor primarily includes formatting revisions to facilitate communal reading and corrected typographical errors. In addition, the new edition also includes two critical updates to specific prayers. Below is a description of those two updates, along with the corresponding second edition replacement pages that can be printed and pasted into first edition prayerbooks.

Musaf Yom Kippur - Final Kadish (pages 328-331) - the original version has the final Kadish of the Musaf prayer as “Kadish Yehe Shelama”. Although “Kadish Yehe Shelama” is recited by the Moroccan community, all other traditions included in the maḥzor actually recite “Kadish Derabanan” at this point in the prayer. “Kadish Derabanan” can be found on pages 44-45 of the original maḥzor. Alternatively, you can click on the Second Edition Replacement Pages button below to print and add these pages to first edition maḥzorim.

First Edition Incorrect Version in Pink

First Edition Incorrect Version in Pink

Second Edition Corrected Version in Yellow

‘Arvit for the End of Yom Kippur - Hashkivenu (pages 474-475) - the original version erroneously has the version of “Hashkivenu” for the eve of Yom Kippur reprinted for the end of Yom Kippur. The correct version of “Hashkivenu” is included in the Second Edition Replacement Pages button below and can be printed and added to first edition maḥzorim.

Second Edition Corrected Version in Yellow

In the spirit of Yom Kippur, we ask forgiveness for these oversights and apologize for any inconvenience or disturbance in prayer experience they may have caused.

If printing, please make sure printer settings are set to print at 100% scale.

Please be mindful when printing or discarding as the replacement pages contain God’s name.