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A Modern Sephardic + Mizrahi Community

Welcome · اهلا وسهلا · בְּרוּכִים הַבָּאִים · καλώς ήρθατε Hoşgeldiniz · خوش آمدی · Bienvenidos

Kanisse is an egalitarian and inclusive community for all who would like to celebrate the rich and diverse heritage of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry through its liturgy, traditions, and culture. We host prayer services and events for Jewish holidays and Shabbatot in New York City and livestream internationally, provide resources for holiday ritual and learning, and promote connectivity, collaboration and growth of Sephardic/Mizrahi inclusive Judaism through our online directory and sister communities worldwide.

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Upcoming Event:

Yom Kippur Services

Please join us for our inaugural event, a multi-cultural egalitarian Yom Kippur service for this year’s High Holidays!  Our cantorial team will be leading services on Yom Kippur Eve (‘Arvit), Yom Kippur morning services (Shaḥarit/Musaf) and evening services (Minḥah/Ne’ilah) in a variety of traditions including those of the Syrian, Moroccan and Iraqi communities.   We will be using our newly published Zemirot HaMizraḥ maḥzor (provided on location, free digitally, and available for individual purchase here). Like all of our offerings, these services welcome and invite participation by all. At the conclusion of Yom Kippur, multi-traditional break-fast hors d’oeuvres will be served.


Wednesday, September 15 evening, and Thursday, September 16 morning and evening (exact times to be shared soon)


New York City, exact location to be announced shortly, and available nationally and internationally by livestream