Yom Kippur Aliyot, Honors & Sponsorship Opportunities
Below is a menu of aliyot, honors and sponsorship opportunities for Yom Kippur. Although these items are traditionally auctioned off to the highest bidder, we are offering them to the community in advance and no donation is required to reserve them. There are suggested contribution figures below in brackets to serve as a reference for those who wish to give, but those who would like to partake can reserve with any donation of their choosing (or none at all). Any and all contributions are much appreciated and go directly towards covering our High Holiday event costs.
After clicking the “reserve” or “sponsor” buttons below, please don’t forget to then “checkout” to confirm your selection.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!
Friday, October 11
Kal Nidre & ‘Arvit (Evening Service)
Kal Nidre - Petiḥat HaHekhal (Opening of the Ark) [$201]
Kal Nidre - Jilyan Sefer Rishon (Carrying the First Sefer Torah) [$250]
Kal Nidre - Jilyan Sefer Sheni (Carrying the Second Sefer Torah) [$201]
Tefilah leParnasah - Petiḥat HaHekhal (Opening the Ark for the Prayer of Sustenance) [$101]
Saturday, October 12
Shaharit & Musaf (Morning Services)
Petiḥat HaHekhal (Opening of the Ark) [$501]
Jilyan Sefer Rishon (Carrying the First Sefer Torah) [$250]
Jilyan Sefer Sheni (Carrying the Second Sefer Torah) [$201]
Aliyat Kohen(et) - 1st Aliyah, for a Kohen(et)* [$250]
Aliyat Levi(yah) - 2nd Aliyah, for a Levi(yah)* [$101]
Aliyat Yisrael(it) - 3rd Aliyah, for a Yisrael(it)* [$501]
Aliyat Revi’i(t) - 4th Aliyah, for anyone* [$201]
Aliyat Ḥamishi(t) - 5th Aliyah, for anyone* [$101]
Aliyat Shishi(t) - 6th Aliyah, for anyone* [$101]
Aliyat Mashlim(ah) - Penultimate Aliyah, for anyone + reciting Qaddish* [$201]
Aliyat Maftir(ah) - Final Aliyah, for anyone + reciting Qaddish* [$250]
Tefilah leParnasah - Petiḥat HaHekhal (Opening the Ark for the Prayer of Sustenance) [$180]
* All aliyot entail going up to the Torah while the cantor or other community members read a portion. The person who goes up for the aliyah does not need to read the Torah at all - there is one blessing to recite before and one after the reading (which we can walk you through).
Saturday, October 12
Minḥah & Ne’ilah (Afternoon & Closing Services)
Petiḥat HaHekhal (Opening of the Ark) [$101]
Jilyan Sefer Torah (Carrying the Sefer Torah) [$250]
Aliyat Kohen(et) - 1st Aliyah, for a Kohen(et)** [$101]
Aliyat Levi(yah) - 2nd Aliyah, for a Levi(yah)** [$101]
Aliyat Yisrael(it) - 3rd Aliyah, for a Yisrael(it)** [$201]
Sponsorship Opportunities
Support the beautiful ceremony that marks the end of Yom Kippur [$501]
Break-fast Meal
Help nourish our community as we conclude our fast together
Cover the entire break-fast [$1,850]
Contribute towards the meal [$101]